Feenix Community

CLIPS process

CLIPS is an elaborate learning programme and set of tools developed by older GEN communities for younger ones.

We have worked through this material on a regular basis and developed more detailed procedures and guidelines on the journey.

Some of this is internal, but below is an overview of the public information.


Structure and decision

Like many communities we work on sociocratic principles. This means the structure is guided by who is affected, and decisions are made with everyones consent.

Hitsausta kellarissa


The workings of a community are governed by processes, basically how we do things. We have many defined processes, even process for changing processes, and of course conflict resolution.

hubfeenix_MiaJärvisalo-21 kivet


Hub Feenix is a (non-profit) cooperative. We are working towards Hub Feenix owning the building and creating a foundation to own the land.
We try to avoid personal ownership and work towards the cooperative and foundation being debt free, independent organisations.



To join Hub Feenix you need to live with us for over a year and show active interest in participating in the community. Even before becoming a member you can become part of a working group, and with membership comes the right to "vote" and participate in the board.