Hub Feenix is a community space that fosters creativity, healing and connection.
Hub Feenix provides opportunities for creative people to live, work, learn, create, exhibit and perform in a healing natural setting in the tranquil southwestern Finland forest.
As part of our commitment to ongoing connection and learning, Hub Feenix provides space for retreats, workshops, conferences, short and long-term residencies and other gatherings.
• The whole 15 000m2 building, with all its wings, will be in active use.
• Hub Feenix Cafe will be open throughout the year and serve lunch to people of the house as well as locals.
• There will be 25 artists working in our art studios permanently, 10-15 artists in residence and 10-15 digital nomads living and working in Hub Feenix throughout the year.
• Several international events will take place here yearly: wellbeing, dance, art, sound healing, vegetarian food etc. Also 1-3 bigger festivals, and weekend courses throughout the year.
• Hub Feenix is, and will continue to be, an active member in the Raasepori community, collaborating with the city and the local culture and services.
• We will have permanently hired staff.
• The upstairs of our big kitchen will offer great workspaces for many small-scale vegan food producer, for products such as seitan, fermented vegetables, kombucha, cakes, vegan cheeses, artisan bread etc.
• Our shop will be open every day and sell art, handicrafts, vegan food products made in Hub Feenix and more.
• Our Makerspace will offer workshops and courses, providing local and international guests the opportunity to upskill and use a wide range of tools and equipment.
• 30% of our energy will come from solar power, and heating partly from geothermal heat. Also, our own wood chip heating system will be developed forward.
• There will be about 50 people living in the area of the Hub Feenix Village permanently.
• The forests around Hub Feenix will be protected and taken care of naturally. They are open to be enjoyed by anyone who wants to refresh and exercise outdoors.
• The Hub Feenix horse stable will keep taking our guests and locals for riding treks in the forest and offer animal-assisted activities.
• An outdoor yoga deck will soon be built.
• All around Hub Feenix there will be a flowering garden with fountains and places to sit in peace to enjoy the surroundings.