Feenix Community

Social rebirth at the Feenix community

The symbol of the bird, burnt and reborn, is not just a nice story for us. It is the experience of creating and recreating our reality every day.

We are stepping out of our previous social mold. We´re finding new ways to live together, to interact, to be creative, to sustain our living, to care for each other and just be.

What this means, what already has happened, what is planned, what is open, what is currently discussed and how you can join is what these pages are about.

The Feenix community is at the heart of Hub Feenix, our event center and meeting place.

What is a community, in our understanding

Intentional community as they are called have many forms, and we are finding ours.
What that means and where we are, both in terms of physical and mental space, is detailed in the pages below.


Intentional Community

GEN Europe defines it as, or it can be thought of a successor of as an ecovillage.
Where we roughly are on the spectrum, and how we are working to define us better is detailed here.


Core values

Groups are defined by a common vision and values. Defining these and implementing and upholding them with appropriate structures and methods is a core challenge for communities, and a process for us specifically. Here you see where we got to, what is still open and how that is worked on.

everyone provides and receives


Clear governance and financial frameworks are essential to sustained harmonious living. We follow the Les Pas Sage model in this as the first Finnish community.

puu kesäyönä


Communities have different focus on nature, different approaches to the wider society and to how to make a living.
Of course we have Hub Feenix, our center for events and creativity, but we also define future goals and discuss open points.

Houses and main building Hub Feenix

Hub Feenix is a large sanatorium converted into a community space. Additionally we have houses and apartment blocks in the vicinity. Just one hour to the west of Helsinki, easy to reach by train and car. We´re in the middle of beautiful nature, with a lake close by.

Living together

On the lowest level of human needs the community provides and organises the common need for shelter.
We have many different forms this can take, where everyone can choose the balance between privacy and social life.
In the end we all meet on the streets that we call corridors, and can choose to spend time in common activities.


Many people choose to live on their own and socialise on common ground in their own time.


There are double apartments for couples or people who want to live closely together.


Especially the houses are well suited for mini communities of 3-4.
They also come with garden.

Small community

Currently we only have one larger-ish community of 5-7 people.
One of the spaces is free at the moment.

You can also look at the current members or the process of joining